hai guuyyssss, ill tell aheadmsters at myschool. ehmmmm. if i use areal name, ican get buiig point causeee.....nggoosip behindhim. okay sebut saja bunga. Mr.bunga was headmasters at myshcool for 7-8 months. he's very cute, chubi and has a broom on abov mouth. a broom yeah a broom, saking kandele ambek irenge. he has big stomache. idonknow what on the inside. maybe kapuk or cadangan makanan like camel. okay that's all are extern. now intern, mr.bunga is veryveryvery megelno man. sok gak korupsi. gila hormat.maaf ya mister ini buat kebaikan bapak jg, biar berubah   :"""") check the phto:

tht on spongebob concert tour to malang. give applase for himz!! tengteng teng dong teng teng teng*gamelan sound menyambut dan mengakhiri pembicaraanya.how coolll himmm!! howbigstomach himmzz!!:"") amazinngg. harapan terakhir dari penulis semoga jangan lama lama di sekolahku yaaaa loffyyuuuuu mister bunggaaaaaaaa *salim